Windows #Powershell Bits

Been stuck in a meeting and wanted to look a bit interested in that I was taking notes, so I have look around Powershell on my Windows 7 laptop.

Found some kewl stuff.  Lets start with:

  • Get-Hotfix
    The Get-Hotfix cmdlet gets the hotfixes that have been applied to the local computer or to remote computers by Component-Based Servicing.
  • Get-Random
    The Get-Random cmdlet gets a randomly selected number. If you submit a collection of objects to Get-Random, it gets one or more randomly selected objects from the collection.

Now Get-Random is really funky.  You can run it like:

  • Get-Random -Maximum 99
    This will get you a number between 0 and 99
  • Dir | Get-Random
    Will pick a random file from the dir
  • Dir | Get-Random -Count 3
    Will pick 3  random files from the dir
  • 1..99 | Get-Random -Count 3
    This will get 3 random numbers between 0 and 99

How kewl is that?

#OCS R2 Ignite Training: Day 5

#OCS2007R2 .. Can’t be bothered to change the title, but these notes are from Global Knowledge: 50214A Implementing and Maintaining Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2″

Last Day, looks like Compliance stuff today:

Yeah Baby managed to get my VOIP number to ring OCS and then go to exchange UM

#OCS R2 Ignite Training: Day 4

#OCS2007R2 .. Can’t be bothered to change the title, but these notes are from Global Knowledge: 50214A Implementing and Maintaining Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2″

So @ home I now have internal IM and web IM working.  Need to test conferencing, but that will probably wait until the weekend.

Day 4 starts with the Audio Lab, which I have been waiting for .. essentially configuring an Audiocodes MP-113 with OCS and Exchange ..

My takeaways from today are:

Free £9.50 Lonely Planet #iPhone city guide apps

You had better be quick, offer ends today


Lonely Planet is giving away free £9.50 European city guide iPhone apps, inc. London, Paris and Barcelona.
You can grab as many of the 13 free guides as you want, until Thurs 22 April. They’ll be yours to keep forever, so even if you’re planning a trip in a year, grab ’em now

Free £9.50 Lonely Planet #iPhone city guide apps

You had better be quick, offer ends today


Lonely Planet is giving away free £9.50 European city guide iPhone apps, inc. London, Paris and Barcelona.
You can grab as many of the 13 free guides as you want, until Thurs 22 April. They’ll be yours to keep forever, so even if you’re planning a trip in a year, grab ’em now

#OCS R2 Ignite Training: Day 3

#OCS2007R2 Can’t be bothered to change the title, but these notes are from Global Knowledge: 50214A Implementing and Maintaining Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2″

So last night I blasted my OCS install away and reinstalled windows 2008 (NOT R2 as it was causing me too much heartache)

The XML file listed on this site: made the prereqs at lot easier!

The Windows Shutdown Tracker was annoying me to:

So that is enough of my rants for the day .. Okay Day 3 .. so what else did I take home today:

Now not OCS related but outlook recovery, Manoj pointed me to this:

#OCS R2 Ignite Training: Day 2

#OCS2007R2 .. Can’t be bothered to change the title, but these notes are from Global Knowledge: 50214A Implementing and Maintaining Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2″

So day 2, here are my notes:

Windows 2008 R2

Making Custom Presence work with R2:

  1. Start –> RegEdit.exe
  2. Navigate (by double clicking) to the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftCommunicator
  3. Change the EnableSIPHighSecurityMode key name to be 0
  4. Right click EnableSIPHighSecurityMode –> Modify –> change it to 0 –> OK

Force Updating the OCS Address Book:

  1. HKCUSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftCommunicatorGalDownloadInitialDelay
  2. This is a DWORD value. If you set this to 0 (zero) and re-start Communicator your address book will be downloaded immediately.

#OCS R2 Ignite Training: Day 1

#OCS2007r2 … So I was expecting the course to be “OCS Ignite R2” and instead it’s a custom course by Global Knowledge: 50214A Implementing and Maintaining Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2″

Some notes from today:


Chris point us to this: Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Workload Architecture Poster:


idialog OCS client for the iPhone: