Multiple or incorrect Coding Notices: information for employees and pensioners

Whoops! that might explain why I have two codes for two different companies :-|


HMRC has recently introduced the new National Insurance and PAYE Service (NPS) which we are using to issue tax coding notices for the first time. The transition to the new system has brought to light some discrepancies in our existing records and this is resulting in a number of incorrect Coding Notices being issued. This page gives you the latest information.

We have completed our analysis to identify areas where there may be discrepancies in the data held by NPS. We are now reviewing individual cases to correct as many of these discrepancies as possible before the start of the new tax year. We are doing all we can to ensure that no one pays too much tax from 6 April.

If your code number does not need to change for the 2010/11 tax year you will not be sent a Coding Notice. Your employer will continue to use your existing code number.